Through moving an entire house in one bound to rescuing breakdowns on I-75 faster than a speeding bullet, my dad and dad-in-law are super men. Though we’re not there to celebrate Father’s Day with them in person, we are certainly thinking of them. Since we can’t reminisce in person, here’s a list of theĀ top travel gifts we’ve given Erie and Larry over the years and some other recommendations for great gadgets to help out your traveling papa.
Travel gifts for Dad
1. 1,000 Places to See Before You Die
In 2006, my dad set out on his second Across America trip. In his RV, he went from coast to coast, exploring places like the Yosemite National Park in California to the Biltmore Estate in North Carolina. As he and my stepmother explored all these iconic American sites, he was able to check them off in his “1,000 Places to See Before You Die” book that my sister and I had given him. My dad is a hard man to impress, but he really enjoyed this book. As we sent the book to him while he was already on the road, he even went back to some places just to make sure he could see the recommended sites.
2. GPS
For Christmas one year, we bought Chris’ parents a GPS. As we are completely and utterly addicted to ours and his parents love their Sunday drives, we thought it would make a great gift. We’re fond of the Garmin series for its ease of use, and it has come in handy quite a few times for his parents. They still like to turn it off, though, and get lost in what they find on a Sunday afternoon.

3. External Hard Drive
While my dad is constantly on the move, he needed an easier and more secure way to store and access his important documents. An external hard drive was just the item. Now that one terabyte drives are the norm, we recommend the Western Digital My Passport for its reliability and affordability at about $80 per unit.
4. Special Stay
The best gift I ever got my dad was a surprise stay at the Waldorf Astoria in New York City. As he and his dad used to travel to NYC and admire the hotel, they never stayed there. The evening we checked in, I’ve never seen my dad so excited or happy before. It was the best money I’ve ever spent. Find the location your dad wants to see the most and splurge. If you’re an active traveler, use your reward points.
5. Passport Holder
For most men, the less you have to carry, the better. Wallets can be easily pickpocketed and aren’t large enough for all travel documents. A passport holder that can easily be secured around the neck or carried as a small backpack makes travel easier.

6. Camera
Your dad will most likely want to capture all the memories he’s making with your travel gifts, so give him a way to do that. For the basics, try the Panasonic Lumix. At an affordable price, easy-to-use features and high quality photos, this camera is great for snapping candid shots throughout any trip.
Happy Father’s Day to all our worktrotter dads! May your travels be full of wonder.